

  • October 30, 2021

No, the title is not our idea. E’ the sentence taken from a recent review received by a couple of doctors who celebrated their fiftieth wedding here. We propose it in full because it sums up the climate of that day well.

Let's get the guests talking. Below and also who

” The 3 October I celebrated ours with Aura 50 years of marriage. To keep us company our relatives in good numbers. Kindness and helpfulness of the owner have smoothed out any organizational problems. All those present shared our choice of a location different from the traditional ones that Veneto is rich in. In a very large and well-kept park, a modern and welcoming structure is inserted both in the internal room used for lunch and in the space in front with a portico enriched by a fountain and in the harmony of water, stones and plants reminded us of the Japanese gardens.
Our tension of the days preceding the anniversary was dissolved in the serenity transmitted by the surrounding park.
An experience that I strongly invite you to try. “