corporate events

OPEN DAY AZIENDALE. how to organize?

  • January 6, 2019

A day for the company. And his.

Open For Business Day means a day that is open on a day when the company, choosing a suitable location, it offers to a targeted audience interested in meeting her. For a long time it has used this tool for schools but today is a useful marketing tool for businesses involve their public.

Already, because the company has a number of public; customers, providers, employees, agents, collaborators, stakeholders and so on and so forth. From early morning to evening ( in the weekend) the company welcomes its guests (part or all among those seen above) making them free to arrive when favorite. You can also organize the ladders of events throughout the day at fixed times.

Presenting a new product, illustrate a service, host a meeting of agents in a pleasant place, organize a corporate team building (magari un cooking team building), celebrate an anniversary. These are just some of the ingredients (also concomitant) of a open day. No less important to feel at ease guests. Here are some essential steps:

Organization: please consider the location of the freight costs, the catering costs, of any overnight stays, audio / video facilities needed, entertainment (cabaret, animators, trainers etc.…)

progress: creates a typical day chanting events and break or relax. Recruit animators, or comedians. There are valid dealing with business issues lightly.

Post evento: invite your guests to leave a comment or better an email so you can send the post-event materials or coinvolgergli retain them for future events. Leave them maybe gadgets.

Consider doing co-branding or find sponsors for the event. They might contain you costs. In the short time in which the guest (your target) will be there should I let him live the experience (propose product tastings, let them touch the new services, offer him a free consultation if you are a coach etc…)

Do you want to get information for an open day?

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