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  • January 21, 2020

Villa Bornello between the locations of the Film Commission. We thank the Treviso Film Commission for giving between its pages. E’ a great satisfaction not only to accommodate – hopefully happen – the ‘ seventh art’ but also being in the company of many mansions titled land. opera, in centuries, of innovative architects and builders enlightened. that a interesting link

As you say? What is it and what does the Treviso Film Commission? E’ Simply said:

E’ an entity, Public Participation, prepared attraction of cinematographic and audiovisual productions in a given territory. It offers to the productions a series of help actions to speed up, simplify the delivery of services that involve decisions and authorizations from the Public Administration and State Bodies. It also provides […] the availability of location for businesses and professionals. The Film Commission is also a provider of financial contributions when working on predefined location which is turn to savings on the production budget of the film, both economic impact on the Territory of the film commission.” [Source: Wikipedia].

Basically if you have a movie (but not only, also spot, shootings, music videos, etc.) in the drawer and want to turn Treviso you can turn to them.

Then, But, turn it here with us 🙂

Villa Bornello between the locations of the Film Commission. Thanks again to the TFC for giving attention to the work of a visionary entrepreneur, with love for detail and for their land, and its unique country house whose genius loci still he lives today between business meetings e events always surrounded by greenery and conviviality.

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